
The reveal of the winner for the Big Boom Bracket Battle is a week and a half away, and the next round of voting ends tomorrow.

The Perry Chamber is in the midst of their fifth Bracket Battle and the four remaining contestants have had great contributions. Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti mentioned that there’s been some upsets in the bracket, but some of the top seeds have also advanced. She names who the remaining contestants are.

“Number 1 seed Alex Lott, he is up against number 4 seed Jackson VanKirk, and then we have on the other side of the bracket number 7 Ivette Drehos and then we have number 11 Jayde Fellom.”

Pasutti highlights that the voting deadline is tomorrow at 11am and people can vote online at or cash donations at Ben’s Five and Dime or the McCreary Rec Center in Perry.