The Adair – Casey (AC) / Guthrie Center (GC) School Boards will meet in regular session tonight.
The Boards will hold a public hearing to go over the 2024-25 master calendar. The GC Board will then consider for approval the resignations of Zach Brandt effective the end of the 2023-24 year and Brandy Clark and the contract recommendations for Bethany McCool and Ki Fleming, while the AC Board considers for approval the contract recommendations for Bethany McCool, Cade Suhr and Melissa DeWitt.
The Boards will then discuss weight room equipment at the high school, before considering for approval the 2024-25 master calendar, the adjusted 2023-24 calendar and 2024-25 Area Education Agency purchasing agreement. They will then set a public hearing for the 2024-25 certified budget and consider for approval a fund transfer from the general fund to the activity fund for protective equipment, and the first readings of the preschool audit and open enrollment policy reviews.
The AC Board will consider for approval a digital sign purchase and school bus purchase, while the GC Board will consider for approval the first pay application for air handling units (AHU) one and two, the first pay application for AHU three, the first change order for AHU three and out-of-state-travel for Distributive Education Clubs of America, before entering an exempt session.
The meeting will begin at 7pm in the AC/GC Junior High Media Center. Raccoon Valley Radio will have results from the meeting tomorrow.