Past-President of the Greene County Development Corporation (GCDC) Board was honored at their regular meeting this past Tuesday.
Sid Jones served eight years as president of GCDC and at Tuesday’s meeting, he was celebrated with a plaque and a gift from the board. Then under the president’s report, Scott Weber said they have made an offer to the potential new Multi-Cultural Family Resource Center Director, which that individual was going to meet with Greene County School District Superintendent Brett Abbotts to negotiate their part.
GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton mentioned the Tyson plant closure in Perry and to work with major employers in Greene County to help those Tyson employees find available jobs within the county. It was also mentioned that GCDC would contract an individual to design a new website for the organization. Paxton also reported that a company that was slated to move into the former Electrolux property pulled out, due to a possible notice from the Environmental Protection Agency of changing its rules.