
Terry Rottinghaus, 2023 DAISY Award winner

Anyone who has had treatment or services done at the Greene County Medical Center or is a family member of a patient from there is invited to recognize a nurse they feel went above and beyond.

The annual DAISY Award ceremony takes place during National Nurses Week and this year the event is on May 9th. This honor goes to a nurse who shows extraordinary care from the medical center, the Greene County Family Medicine Clinic, or Greene County Public Health. Nominations are accepted until April 12th. Nomination forms can be found at the medical center or online by clicking the link below. Nominations can also be from colleagues at the medical center.

The DAISY Committee will then review the nominations and select this year’s winner. The winning recipient will get a certificate, a DAISY Award pin, and a handmade wooden sculpture called the “Healer’s Touch” from Zimbabwe. All nominations must be submitted to the medical center. 
