
The Jefferson City Council on Tuesday night passed the third reading to rezone a property for a proposed apartment project.

The Council heard from several individuals prior to the vote on the third and final reading to rezone 403 West Head Street from light industrial to multi-family residential for a 40-50 unit apartment project from KCG Companies. About 11 individuals spoke against the project and the property to be rezoned, while five individuals spoke in favor of it. Following all public comments, the Council voted 4-1 to rezone the property, with Council member Chad Sloan voting no. 

The meeting started with a public hearing about the plans and specifications, form of contract and authorizing to bid for an upper story apartment project at The Centennial. The public hearing was a requirement because a Community Development Block Grant through the Iowa Economic Development Authority was awarded for the project. No public comments were made and the Council approved the resolution following the hearing.

The Council also approved the resolution to award the East Lincoln Way resurfacing project to InRoads from Des Moines for $833,555. They also approved the 13th pay estimate to Shank Constructors of $934,255 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvement project. 

During open forum at the beginning of the meeting, Lori Mannel spoke and gave her appreciation to the work that the Council has done and reminded them that tough decisions happen when people serve in different capacities. But if they surround themselves with information then they can make the best decisions.