
The 2024 Greene County Fine Arts Hall of Fame inductees were recently announced.

Activities Director David Wright says Penny (Johnson) Hogan is a 1976 Scranton High School graduate and was one of, if not the first all-state music selections for Scranton and is now a music professor. Ryan Van Gilder is a 2001 Jefferson-Scranton graduate and was an all-stater for band. Another Jefferson-Scranton graduate from 2006 was Dan Rasmussen, who was a four-time all-state vocalist. Michael Hoskins is a 2011 graduate and was a six-time all-state performer for individual and large group speech. Wright notes the 2001 all-state large group speech acting group of Andrew Hoyt, Matt Morain, and Sara (Von Ahsen) Vantaggio were also the critic’s choice award winner.

Wright is continually impressed by the people who participated in the fine arts while in high school.

“You start looking at some of the graduates from our county schools, whether it be East Greene, or Scranton, or Jefferson, or Jefferson-Scranton, and now Greene County, just a lot of amazing accomplishments in the fine arts.”

The 2024 induction ceremony will take place the same night as the high school music awards concert on May 6th at the high school auditorium.