
One thing covered in the February School Board meeting for Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center was tax increases.

AC/GC Superintendent Josh Rasmussen says that due to some new legislation, schools would be required to send out letters when they were preparing to increase tax rates for any reason. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the district will be implementing that in the near future.

“Next month there will be some letters sent out to all property holders, and explaining why a tax rate increases. For us, whether it’s increases in insurance, increase(s) in our management funds, a lower general fund with the ability to get some cash to back up the spending that we have in our general fund, there’s always a chance that there will be an increase. So we went through that with our Boards just to educate them.”

Rasmussen explains that along with going over this new process, the Board set public hearings for property taxes. He mentions that for the Adair – Casey District, the public hearing will be on March 27th, and that the Guthrie Center District’s would be on April 3rd, with both to begin at 7pm.