
The Panora City Council will meet in regular session Monday night.

The Council will consider for approval a special five day liquor license for Lucky Wife Wine Slushies for an event, a liquor license with outdoor service for Pedal-In, a hazard mitigation plan presented by Lauren Mortensen of Region XII Council of Government and an EMS insurance update. They will also discuss the fiscal year 2025 budget, consider for approval setting a hearing date relating to the property tax levy, a resolution pertaining to pay changes for city employees and discuss utility rates.

The Council will then hold the first reading of Ordinance 352 for water rate change, and consider for approval a resolution revising the 2016 employee handbook regarding benefits for emergency medical services employees. The meeting will begin at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers in City Hall. For those unable to attend in person, there is a digital option available at https://meet.goto.com/cityofpanora.