
Many projects are underway in the City of Perry, with one set for a public hearing in the second half of February.

The Frog Creek Restoration project originally was bidded out last year but was resubmitted due to bids being too high, according to Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson. He reveals more about the project.

“Frog Creek is largely stream-banked reconstruction, and making sure that that stream-bank is eroding less than it is today, providing a little bit better navigability for that storm water to get through town in a more efficient manner but also helping slow some of that down a little bit, so that it doesn’t erode the banks quite as much.”

Peterson says the mission is to look for a more approachable stream-bank design than what is currently in place. The Perry City Council has set a public hearing for proposed contract documents and estimated costs for repair or improvement at their February 19th meeting at 6pm.