
The Adel Women’s Club is offering scholarships for high school graduating seniors with the application deadline approaching.

Adel Women’s Club is sponsoring General Federated Women’s Club Iowa Scholarships that range from $500 to $1,000. The scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors attending post-secondary institutions. Aside from those scholarships, vocal and instrumental camperships will be available to students entering eighth grade through 12th grade for up to $400. It is for students that plan to attend a music camp this summer in Iowa. 

The deadline for applications for both programs is February 1st. Applications for the post-secondary education scholarship can be picked up at the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn High School Counseling Office and from ADM music teachers in regards to the camperships. Adel Women’s Club Scholarship Chairwoman Shirley McAdon recalls that there wasn’t a recipient of the scholarship last year, but over the past few years, there have been numerous recipients. McAdon also notes that although it is a women’s club, applicants can be either male or female. For more information, contact the Shirley McAdon at (515)-993-4862.