
The Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center FFA Chapter participated in the Southwest District Northeast Sub-District Competition on January 17th.

Advisor Skie Shull says that 20 chapter members traveled for the competition, and the majority will be able to travel to the district competition in Clarinda on March 2nd, with the rest being alternates in their competitions. The chapter received six golds, two silvers and a bronze. Members will be going to district competition for extemporaneous speaking, creed speaking, job interview, public speaking, chapter program, ag sales and ag welding, while they’re the alternates for conduct of meetings and ag broadcasting. A full list of the members and their competition results can be found on this story online.

Presley Buttler – Extemporaneous Speaking – 1st Gold, Advanced to Districts
Lilah Heinz – Creed Speaking – 1st place Gold, Advanced to Districts
Carley Fagan – Job Interview – 2nd place Gold, Advanced to Districts
Tucker Carroll – Public Speaking – 2nd place Gold, Advanced to Districts
Lucy Knutter, Caydence Boals, Shay Lemke – Chapter Program – 2nd Place Gold, Advanced to Districts
Gavin Sloss – Ag Sales – 3rd place Gold, Advanced to Districts
Ag Welders – Tyler Kintz & Nate Chance – both received 2nd place, Advanced to Districts
Conduct of Meetings Team – Silver Rating, Alternate to Districts
President: Nora Langgaard
VP: Rylee Robson
Secretary: Meranda Gruber
Treasurer: Stella Largent
Reporter: Montana Douglas
Sentinel: Allison Drake
Advisor: Garrett Lemke
Alt.: Calleigh Wolfe
Alt.: Laurin Davis
Jarrett McClain – Ag Broadcasting – Bronze Rating, Alternate to Districts