
With the 2024 legislative session fast approaching in Iowa, some legislators are getting a head start on drafting bills.

Iowa Senator for District 12 Amy Sinclair says that one of the things she enjoys about being in the legislature is creating bills based off of concerns that her constituents have brought to her. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that since the last session, she’s been approached by some constituents, and already has some bills drafted, including one on privacy through sites like Ancestry and 23andMe.

“I have some data privacy related to personal DNA and whatnot that folks have volunteered through things like Ancestry-dot-com. But having a standard for data privacy for those folks who have participated in those services.”

Sinclair mentions another bill that she has drafted for this session touches on concerns about drivers who stay in the left lane on interstates and divided highways, and to make the roads safer by looking at how to change that. She adds that she will always listen to constituent concerns, and try to bring those issues to light in the Senate. For those wishing to share any concerns, Sinclair can be contacted by email at amy.sinclair@legis.iowa.gov.