
The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday night.

The Council approved a liquor permit for the Guthrie County Agricultural Society, a building permit for 301 North 1st Street and a fence permit for 606 Prairie Street. They also approved an ordinance adding a stretch of South 12th Street as a no parking zone, then waived the third and final reading of the ordinance to adopt it.

The Council then approved to appoint Mayor Mike Herbert as the City’s representative for the Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Commision, with Councilmember Garold Thomas as the first alternate and Councilman Chuck Cleveland as the second alternate. City Clerk Kris Arrasmith then gave a short City Hall update, sharing that the 2023 Street Finance Report had been completed last week, and that it had been approved by the Iowa Department of Transportation, and that the Guthrie County Community Foundation Grant application process was open, and she would be applying to secure funding for new playground equipment at Mitchell Park on behalf of the Park and Recreation Board.