Coach Kirk Davis began his tenure as head coach of the Greene County High School wrestling team on Tuesday night. The veteran coach watched the Rams in three dual meets at Ogden for a season opening quadrangular. In addition to the host Bulldogs, the Van Meter Bulldogs, and PCM (Monroe) Mustangs were the other teams involved.

Greene County went 2-1 on the night with a criteria loss to PCM to end the night, 40-39. The teams were tied 39-39, so a criteria list was used to break the tie and award one point to the winning team. Head coach Kirk Davis told Raccoon Valley Radio “criteria c” was the difference maker for unsportsmanlike conduct. The wins were over Van Meter 41-39 and 41-27 vs. Ogden.

Rams going 3-0 on the evening were junior Gavyn Winters at 120 lbs. junior Jacob Harmeyer 126, senior Gavin Scheuermann 157, junior Brent Dennhardt 165, and freshman Degan Miller 175.

Next up for the Rams is the two day Independence Tournament Dec. 1-2. It’s among the top early season tourneys in Iowa and more than 20 teams from at least four states will be participating.