
Besides all their fun events, there are several great services that are offered at the Mary J Barnett Memorial Library.

Library Director Jerri Hawkins says that they take part in the Open Access Program, allowing individuals to borrow books from many libraries across the state, and then be able to return them to any other library that is also participating in the program. She adds that they also have VOX books, which have an audio option that read the book to you as you turn the pages. She mentions they have anything from picture books up to beginner novels in these read-along books, so they are able to cover different reading levels.

Hawkins mentions that Mary J Barnett also uses a reading application called Libby, that will let individuals with a library card check out books, magazines and other items online for free. Other services that the library provides according to Hawkins are their Tech Talk service, where they can help with smart devices, and the Iowa Library Adventure Pass, that allows patrons to get two adult and two children’s tickets to the Blank Park Zoo or the Science Center of Iowa for free once per year.