The Panora City Council met in regular session Monday night.
The Council approved the purchase of a third/spare raw water pump, as the water plant was currently down to two, but has always had a third for an extra spare. They also approved the fiscal year 2023 street financial report and annual financial report.
The Council then approved a recommendation from the city’s emergency medical services director to rehab one of their ambulances, as it is having some electrical wiring issues. The company Arrow quoted the work at $194,682, and the Council approved to use $200,000 so they had some wiggle room if something else needed worked on upon further inspection.
The Council also approved implementing an advanced emergency medical technician pay rate, as an EMT had done the work to receive the certification. AEMT’s are the step between EMTs and paramedics, so it was recommended to have the AEMT pay rate be $1.50 per hour more than an EMT. They then approved an intergovernmental transfer of funds between Panora EMS and the Iowa Department of Human Services, something that is done every year so that Panora EMS can be reimbursed for uncovered costs from Medicaid patients. This only works if the call is an emergency, and for the next year, the rate is $1,052.59 per Medicaid patient.
The Council approved provider participation with IDHS, IME and GEMT, along with a job description for Public Works Water/Wastewater Distribution Assistant.