
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will meet on Tuesday.

The Board will go over any updates to the administrative building project, and then consider for approval right of way purchase agreements for the Secondary Road Department, along with the County Engineer’s out of state travel request, and a paving fund agreement for a project on County Road P-46. Next, the Board will consider approving a resolution for utility valuations, mobile home tax abatements, a resolution for appointments to the planning and zoning commission, and canvassing the second tier of the city and school elections, as well as the recount for the Dawson City Council seat. 

Additionally, the Board will consider for approval several items for tax credit applications, including farm family, disabled veteran homestead, homestead tax credit, military exemption, as well as disallowing military exemption and homestead tax credits. They will also discuss performance reviews for the human resources director, finance and operations director, planning and development director, emergency medical services director, board administrative coordinator, informational technology director, and county engineer. 

The meeting takes place at 9am in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in Adel.