The Perry City Council will meet Monday night.
The meeting will start with the oaths of offices for elected officials from the November 7th mayoral and city council elections that will take effect January 1st. Then under old business the Council will consider for approval a resolution authorizing an internal advancement for funding of the Urban Renewal Area, along with two pay applications for the second and third phases of the airport runway relocation project, and a resolution for authorizing the signature and acceptance of the general aviation vertical infrastructure program funding.
Additionally, the Council will also consider under old business a pay request for the 2023 crack sealing road project, a resolution for Region XII Council of Governments contract for administrative services for a Downtown Housing Grant project, and an amendment to a resolution for the water quality initiative cost-sharing grant.
Next, the Council will set a public hearing for a vacation of a right of way, a resolution for the 2023 fiscal year Iowa Department of Transportation Street Finance report, another resolution to certify the tax increment financing debt to the Dallas County Auditor, accepting the 2023 fiscal year report for the Urban Renewal Area and the annual report. They will also consider for approval appointing a representative and an alternate to the Dallas County Emergency Management Commission for 2024 and the tax abatement applications for residential construction that is completed or still to be completed this year.
The meeting will take place in person and virtually at 6pm in the Towncraft Building. Click the link below to access the meeting remotely.
Or by phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 841 3976 3466
Passcode: 749458