The Greene County Development Corporation Board met Tuesday in regular session.
Peoples Bank COO John Rigler, III presented to the Board about the Immigrant Resettlement Program. He talked about the city of DeWitt and how that community resettled 47 Ukrainians. He pointed out that the city of DeWitt would be willing to sponsor other individuals to be resettled to Greene County if GCDC can establish a committee of eight people.
GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton gave his report. He said a wetland study with local engineers is working with Kading Properties and applying for a grant to be used toward the rental housing project in the GCDC East Business Park. He also mentioned about a program called Homeward Incorporated Housing Support with Region XII Council of Governments. It is similar to a revolving loan fund with three-percent interest loan for up to 12 months or when the house sells, whichever comes first. Developer Andy Rowalnd is looking to apply.
Finally, Paxton said they are two-thirds of the way toward a funding goal for the next two-four years for the Multicultural Family Resource Center and GCDC is hoping to hire a director sometime next month.
During reports, Greene County School District Superintendent Brett Abbotts said 31 students enrolled into the district after the certified enrollment date of October 1st. Abbotts added that he, Chris Deal, School Board President Bonnie Silbaugh and Career Academy Coordinator Teresa Green were presenting the career academy at the Iowa Association of School Boards Convention.
Greene County Medical Center CEO Chad Butterfield said over the past couple of weeks, the walk-in clinic has averaged 20 people per day. He added a new physician assistant was hired to work in the Family Medicine Clinic.
Finally, Jefferson Matters Executive Director Matt Wetrich said new owners have purchased the building to the east of the Sierra Community Theater and are planning to turn it into an event center space.