The Adel City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The meeting started with a public hearing about vacating an alleyway in Block 12. The Oaths of Offices were then conducted for Mayor Jim Peters, Council members Shirley McAdon, Bob Ockerman and James West, following last week’s elections, along with new police officers Chad Traver and Hayley Pickett.
Then the Council unanimously denied a funding request for Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA). They did approve a resolution with the Iowa Department of Transportation to replace a bridge on 15th Street over Butler Creek, as well as approving the first reading and waived the second and third readings for final adoption of three amended ordinances, including vacating the public right of way in Block 12, requirements for rabies vaccinations for pets, AND removing some parcels from the Southbridge Urban Renewal Area as presented.
The Council directed city staff to develop option 2 with McClure Engineering for the Bailey Grove Channel Stabilization Concept, a resolution to assess the property for $15,287 For nuisance abatement at 1316 Orchard Avenue, the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission for a $7,800 grant application to Brick Street Motors for exterior improvements to the building, and a resolution for Cramer and Associates for a fourth amendment to an agreement for private development as presented.
Additionally, the Council set public hearings on December 5th for a resolution authorizing notice to property owners of proposed decisions to acquire property by condemnation for the Evans Park Trail Connections project and December 12th for the third amendment to a site lease agreement with Cingular New Wireless. They also approved tax increment financing (TIF) indebtedness of $454,095 in the Adel Urban Renewal Area, as well as TIF indebtedness of $20,000 in the Southbridge Urban Renewal Area for the 2025 fiscal year. Finally, the Council approved the job description for a new position called the community and economic development director and there was a closed session held for pending litigation.