
The ADM women’s wrestling athletes will compete in a triangular meet in Anita today at Cam High School. While not exclusively composed of ADM athletes, the team brings together athletes from various schools. Giving them the name “Raccoon River Wrestling”. Coach Biscoglia noted that despite these different school affiliations, the athletes have actively engaged in numerous drills as part of their preparation for today’s meet, adopting a collaborative approach. Coach Biscoglia explained, “each day we’re learning a different drill and we kind of put it into this repertoire of drill set that we continually do during the week so first week maybe that drill set look like it had 5 drills in it by now it’s 25 or 30” This progression in their training routine has created improvement for the growing team.  Creating a sense of unity among the athletes, going beyond school attendance.
As they head into the triangular meet in Anita, scheduled to begin at 5:30pm later today, the ADM women wrestlers part of this community team will be going against SWAT Valkyrie (another community wrestling team), and Perry.