With the Perry girls basketball season getting ready to kick off on Monday against Des Moines Hoover, I asked head coach Kevin Klein what one thing was that Perry can take into their upcoming season. He said that the word “passion” is one thing that came to mind.
“Well if there is one word that I have always lived by, coached by, and have had my players play by, and that is passion. You have to have passion in the game, you have to have passion on the court, you have to have passion for your teammates, and if we can at least develop some passion about what we are doing, then I think we will have success in a number of different ways,” Klein said.
Well put there by coach. The Jayettes like I mentioned will begin their season on Monday at Des Moines Hoover High School. They will then follow that up with matchups at Boone and Ogden. Stay tuned for more regarding Perry girls basketball over the weekend heading into their season opener on Monday on KDLS and also at our website at raccoonvalleyradio.com.