The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
The Board heard department head updates from Conservation Director Brad Halterman and Health Services Director Jotham Arber. Halterman discussed how the Raccoon River Valley Trail was in need of repairs, and that the conservation department was looking to work with the Greene County Conservation Department through Region XII Council of Governments to apply for grants, which would allow them to not compete for grant money, and have a better chance of receiving funding, as the trail system in both counties would be looked at as one system instead of two separate ones.
Arber told the Board he had been in contact with the hospital to discuss the contract that the Public Health Department had with them, and that they would be having talks to see if anything needed to be changed in the future to better suit both parties. He also shared that they are working on bolstering mental health services as they prepare for a new employee to finish their training, and that the number of individuals receiving immunizations for the flu are up, while the number of people coming in for Covid vaccinations are fairly low. The Board then performed a first tier canvass of the city/school elections from November 7th, and will perform a second tier canvass at next week’s meeting.