The Dallas County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday in regular session.
During open forum, county resident John Nelson addressed the Board about a proposed project in drainage district 105. He was concerned about a private landowner in the drainage district wanting to drain two ponds on their property and didn’t see how that would be of benefit to the drainage district. He mentioned that concerns about the over $1 million project were to be submitted without having received a copy of the proposal and never received a report of the damages. The Board didn’t take action following the statements by Nelson.
The Board then approved an adoption agreement with NACO to offer county employees a ROTH IRA retirement plan in addition to the traditional IRA that is currently offered and to be at the same level as two other providers for the county. The Board also approved the River Oaks Phase Two design engineering services agreement with AECOM as presented, a fire suppression system inspection of the kitchen hood at the law enforcement center contract with Midwest Alarm Services for $39,996 each time for two times per year, and a Human Services Campus Network Manager contract with Woodmen Electrical Contractors for $25,000 to upgrade the entire network system.
Additionally, the Board discussed the farm lease agreement with Des Moines Area Community College. One detail was setting the annual agreement to begin on March 1st and end the final day in February of the following year to coincide with the farming season. Other details included the total cash rent of $84,313 for 218 acres. The Board chose to officially notify DMACC of the termination of the current lease agreement, as per the stipulation of the agreement, and will give final approval once DMACC has approved the new agreement.
Then the Board approved a resolution appointing Bob Russell from Earlham and Eric Wessel from Dallas Center to the eminent domain commission. The Board also approved three designees within the county treasurer’s office to continue in their current capacities as motor vehicle superintendent, tax administrator and motor vehicle administrator. The Board then discussed and approved their intent to appoint an individual to fill a vacancy as county treasurer.
Finally, County Auditor Julia Helm said there was a recount request made by a write-in candidate for a Dawson City Council seat following last Tuesday’s election. Helm said the recount will take place at her office on Thursday at 3:30pm. The meeting then finished following the canvass of votes in which all results remained unchanged from the initial results last Tuesday.