Paton-Churdan Middle School students recently went on a field trip where they not only experienced the outdoors, but also got some exercise as well.
About 40 students went on a biking excursion on the High Trestle Trail earlier this month. Organizer Libby Towers says all of the students did 12 miles from Woodward to Slater and several made a trip back to Madrid for a total of 20 miles on the trail. She points out the students enjoyed social time with friends, while also practicing good bike etiquette and showed perseverance with a challenge such as riding their bicycles for that many miles.
Towers says this has been a longstanding tradition at the end of the first quarter of the school year for middle schoolers to go on a bike ride. She adds the main goals are for the kids to experience the different bike trails in the area. Towers also thanks all of the volunteers that helped including Donny Hobbs, Jon Duckett, Pat Cunnigham, Ann Cunningham, Craig Hart and David Miller.