This weekend there will be a fun event at the 4-H and FFA Building at the Adair County Fairgrounds in Greenfield.
The Hawkeye State Archaeological Society will be hosting an Indian Artifact Show from 8am to 3pm on Saturday. Member Stan Selsor says that the organization has been collecting historic items since 1970, travels around to show the items off, and also attach an educational function to it by going over the history. He explains that the organization has had shows all over the state and sees many artifacts and items come in that are mostly prehistoric stone.
Selsor mentions some of the common items include arrowheads, knives, atlatl dart points, axes and bones, among others. He adds that breakfast and lunch will be available as well. The event is free and open to the public, and anyone can bring items in for identification and evaluation, with plaques awarded for best person finds. To reserve a table or for more information, contact Selsor at 641-445-5550 or Wade Wood at 641-757-1290.