The Greene County Board of Supervisors met on Monday in regular session.
The Board heard about a new housing organization and funding request. Tina Beaman and Peggy Hoyt gave a presentation about the Highway 25 Corridor Housing Initiative. The program involves communities including Scranton, Churdan, Coon Rapids, Bayard and Ralston. 25 CHI will reimburse homeowners and rental properties 50-percent and up to $1,000 for exterior improvements or repairs to existing homes. The program is similar to the Highway 144 Corridor Housing Initiative that started last year. The Board discussed previous funding commitments to the 144 CHI and an apartment renovation project in Churdan. The Board did not take action on funding, pending further discussion.
The Board then approved a 28E agreement with the Bell Tower Community Foundation. The main highlights were that the foundation would pay on a monthly basis any admission or observation deck rental fees to the county and the county would reimburse the foundation those fees the following month. The county would also provide property and liability insurance and the foundation would provide worker’s compensation for its staff. In the over 40 year partnership between the county and the foundation, an agreement was needed to legally document what the responsibilities have always been. The agreement now goes to the foundation for approval.
The Board approved a resolution amending a previous resolution that was approved in July about correcting a sheriff’s deputy wage for Christopher Frehse from $75,380 to $77,380.32, along with approving an annual wine license for Deal’s Orchard and setting a public hearing date of November 6th at 9am for the 2024 fiscal year budget amendment.