
Monday, October 16th

8:00am: Magenta Pederson spoke to an officer about junk vehicles on her property at 704 North Chestnut Street.

8:27am: An officer responded to an Alarm Activation at 400 North Elm Street. The officer found it was a False Alarm.

8:52am: Kasey Jacobs reported a Face Book Scam. She had sent money through a cash app to make a purchase. After sending the funds, all accounts associated had been deleted. She was advised to report it to Face Book.

9:15am: Officers assisted Public Works in locating vehicle owners to remove vehicle from a city parking lot, which was under construction.

11:04am: An officer investigated an accident at Locust and Madison Streets. A 2014 Ford Explorer, owned by Dick Janssen and operated by Nichole Renshaw of Scranton, was southbound on Locust. A 2015 Honda Civic, owned by Tom Ganoe and operated by Jennifer Bainbridge of Jefferson, was westbound on Madison Street. Bainbridge failed to yield at the uncontrolled intersection and the vehicles met in the intersection. Each vehicle had a reported $1500.00 in damages. Bainbridge was cited for, “Fail to Yield to the Right.”

12:09pm: The GC Ambulance reported a vehicle with Mechanical Issues near Grimmell and Lincoln Way Streets. The vehicle had been removed when the officer arrived.

2:56pm: A caller advised of three Stray Dogs in the 1000 Block of North Cedar Street. The officer located a subject in the area, who advised they belong to her and had gotten loose for a short period.

3:13pm: A caller advised of juveniles vaping behind 200 West Lincoln Way Street. The officer did not locate them in the area.

4:39pm: Bailey Ackerman reported her two juvenile sons had wandered away from 302 South Cedar Street. The children were immediately located at a grandparent’s residence and brought back home.

6:28pm: An officer assisted a deputy with an arrest at 102 North Olive Street.

7:04pm: Kirsten Nielson spoke with an officer about a deputy being at her residence twice today. The officer advised Nielson they were probably attempting to serve Civil Papers.

10:10pm: Michael Molle reported a possible stolen trailer at 304 East Washington Street. The trailer was registered to a family member, and not stolen.

Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.