The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
County Attorney Thomas Laehn gave an update to the Board. He presented an edited draft of the 28E agreement with the Bell Tower Community Foundation. The agreement will be considered by the Supervisors at next week’s meeting.
Then Margaret Saddoris addressed the Board in open forum. She spoke against the proposed Kading Properties project in the Greene County Development Corporation East Business Park on south Highway 30. Her main concerns included the project participating in the Section 8 housing choice voucher program with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, along with GCDC not charging Kading to purchase the 23 acres of property whereas other businesses paid for the land, increasing law enforcement calls for service at another Kading property and giving a handout of a ten year tax abatement.
Jefferson City Administrator Scott Peterson attended the meeting and said that Kading does not participate in the Section 8 program with HUD and that the rental units were with workforce housing tax credits and will be at market rate rents. The Board took no action following Saddoris’ comments.
The Board then approved the County Treasurer’s quarterly report as presented. The report included just over $102,000 collection of investments for July through September, the county receiving an automatic $43,176 from Wild Rose Casino and Resort in Jefferson through the first three months of the new fiscal year, which is used to lower the burden of property taxes overall; and the drainage report.
The Board also approved transferring funds of $57,401 from General Basic, $634,280 from Rural Basic and $180,000 from Local Option Sales and Services Tax to the Secondary Roads Department; along with approving a special alcohol license for Country Blessings to have Cloud Wine serving alcohol from November 9th-13th for the Holiday Open House; and the 2023 weed commissioner’s report and appointing County Engineer Wade Weiss as the weed commissioner for next year.
Additionally, they approved a 28E agreement for the cost share of operations at the Greene County Animal Shelter. Some of the details of the agreement include the county will be paying an annual total of $15,000 toward the shelter, and that anytime the county brings in an animal, the City of Jefferson guarantees that the animal will be accepted and any fees would be waived. The agreement now goes to the Jefferson City Council for approval.
Finally, the Board approved the plans for the pavement widening and resurfacing of County Road P-46 from 340th Street to 320th Street.