The Perry Chamber of Commerce held a coffee event at the Perry Elementary School on Friday.
These “Perry Chamber Coffee’s,” allow chamber members to share and update people in the community about what is new with their business or organization. The Perry Elementary School got a chance to talk about the 2023 National Blue Ribbon Award that they were awarded and unveiled a banner they will hang up in the school. Principal Ryan Marzen said that the award is very prestigious with only 353 nationwide receiving this award and only five schools in Iowa were designated. Marzen said that they were awarded as an exemplary high performing school which means Perry Elementary School was one of the state’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments. He told Raccoon Valley Radio that a large portion of the credit goes to the teachers and staff.
“I’m in such a fortunate position here to be the elementary school principal, and when I get to show off everything our teachers do and everything our students do, it’s truly amazing. The work that they do every single day is just above and beyond. It’s exceptional work.”
Marzen mentioned that Perry Elementary School is a title one school which means they receive federal funds to support their low income students. He said that they don’t dwell on obstacles.
“Title one might be a label that we have and it comes with some challenges and some successes there, but it doesn’t change the fact that kids are achieving at high levels if they’re coming here at Perry Elementary School. It definitely means a lot there. I can’t thank the teachers enough and the students enough, Mrs. (Laura) Skeel and like I said, Mr. (Ned) Menke as well.”
On the 2023 Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP), the Perry Elementary School had 73-percent of their students proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) and 75-percent of students proficient in math. Marzen says their next goal is to have every student hit that 80-percent mark in both subjects.