
The next Lyceum event is happening in Jefferson soon.

The question that the group will explore is “How does what we eat make us who we are?” Organizers say that food is part of everyone’s identity and is a joyous and celebratory part of a culture. The program will go over the different traditions people have, along with how that reflects a community and if the quality of the food we eat matters. 

The two speakers are Dr. Philip Heisterkamp of Greater Life Health and Wellness in Jefferson. He is a chiropractor that understands the nervous system and body functions. The other speaker is Kelly Monthei. She is the owner of Complete Body and Health, along with being a child and adult protection worker, a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor. She will be able to tackle several directions related to how food shapes individuals. 

The Jefferson Lyceum event will take place on Monday from 7-9pm at the Pickaway Americana and Meeting House in Jefferson. Tickets are $10 and you can click here to sign up.