
The City of Perry is exploring the idea of getting an autonomous garbage truck that would service the community. 

The Perry City Council recently approved an application to be sent to the US Department of Transportation for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant. City Administrator Sven Peterson says that the grant revolves around solving transportation issues. Peterson says picking up garbage can now be automated and that would allow city employees to do other jobs that humans can do. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio this autonomous garbage truck could be automated, be on a schedule, predictable and cost effective.  

“So we’re hoping that this works, but this is a phase one grant. So it involves a first off, a feasibility study to see if this idea is even feasible? Is it something to move forward with? Is it something to just, well, be punny here, park it and wait for some technology to catch up, something like that, Or is it something that we can move forward with and actually work with some companies to prototype and test out on Perry streets?”

Peterson says that in 2021 they had a digital twin done in the city in which he hopes it helps the city get this grant. He mentions that they are not looking to get rid of anyone’s jobs to put this technology in place.