
A large-scale housing development in Jefferson took another step forward at the most recent city council meeting.

At the meeting in September, the Jefferson City Council heard an update and the requests that were made by Kading Properties toward their rental housing project in the Greene County Development Corporation East Business Park on south Highway 30, along Gallup Road. City Administrator Scott Peterson says Kading has asked the city for a ten-year tax abatement, extending infrastructure, such as water, sewer, storm sewer, and an access road about 500 feet from the frontage road; and having the city maintain a retention pond that Kading will build to handle potential drainage issues. 

Peterson notes Kading is looking to build somewhere between 100 and 200 rental units of different types and has a development agreement already in place with GCDC as the property owner. He adds the city is continuing negotiations with Kading.

“Look at this as really a fantastic economic development project. But we do need to, of course make sure that it makes economic sense for the city to look at this. And then also ultimately it becomes a decision of the city council whether they would enter into this development agreement and really what that final product would look like.”     

The price tag if the city were to agree to extend the infrastructure would be over $1 million.