
Sheriff Jack Williams (standing) along with County Attorney Thomas Laehn (left) and Jefferson Police Chief Mark Clouse (right) at a community discussion in September of 2022

A new Community Conversation topic will focus on an upcoming ballot question before Greene County voters.

Greene County residents are invited to hear about the new county jail bond vote on Thursday, October 5th at Trinity Lutheran Church. The featured speakers for the free, informal program will be Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams, Jefferson Police Chief Mark Clouse and Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn. The measure will be on the ballot for Greene County voters to decide whether or not to pay for a new county jail facility that will not exceed $10 million in general obligation bonds. In order to pass, there needs to be a supermajority approval by voters of at least 60 percent. The vote will be on Election Day, November 7th. 

Last year, the jail bond vote was for a $12.6 million facility that failed to garner the required 60 percent approval to pass, as it received just over 57 percent. 

Thursday’s program will begin with refreshments served at 5pm and the program to begin at 5:30.