
The Jefferson City Council will meet tomorrow evening.

The meeting will start with a nuisance hearing for Eric and Jill Johnson. Then the Council will hold a public hearing and consider approving amendments to the floodplain ordinance. Since this will be the first reading of an amended ordinance, the Council can also waive the second and third required readings for final adoption. Additionally, the Council will consider approving a resolution waiving the right of way plat of survey for Rita Dunivan, a resolution to remove no parking on the east and west sides of South Vine Street adjacent to Monroe Street, and another resolution for a policy regarding issuing solicitor license. 

The Council will also consider approving amending an ordinance for the responsibility of water service pipes, a couple of street projects, a change order for the airport hangar project, two engineering contract amendments for the Russell Street Water Main Improvement Project and City Hall Entrance Project, making a material change for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project, and discuss proposed changes to certain zoning ordinances. They will also hear an update on the Kading Properties housing project. 

The meeting will take place in person and electronically at 5:15pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Click the link below to view the meeting remotely.