
A Lanesboro woman was recently arrested for several alleged incidents in Greene County.

According to court documents, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation on September 15th into several reported thefts from a business in Scranton. The manager told deputies that tools were missing and it appeared an individual kept coming back to the business, which each incident was documented from a game camera that was on site. Deputies also found a few times that the vehicles that were on site had gas siphoned from them. The incidents happened between September 12th and 19th. 

During the investigation, a Dodge Neon was photographed from the game camera as the same vehicle that made several trips to the business after hours. Court documents show that on September 20th, Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams surveilled the property for an hour at night but didn’t observe any vehicles on the roadway. Then after 9pm, a vehicle matching the description was seen traveling southbound toward the business. 

Sheriff Williams stopped the vehicle and another deputy came for backup. Court documents show that there were red gas cans in the back of the Dodge Neon and siphon tubes. The driver, 48-year-old Dawn Miller, was wearing boots, which also matched the pattern from the photographs taken at the business, the tire patterns were also a match. When asked about the siphon tubes and gas cans, Miller said she was helping a friend siphon gas from farm equipment from one property to another. 

Miller was then arrested and charged with a Class D Felony for her second or subsequent offense for third degree burglary of a motor vehicle, a serious misdemeanor for fourth degree theft, six counts of first offense for trespassing, and driving without a valid driver’s license. She was booked into the Greene County Jail. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.