
With the new “Coop” facility in Perry getting it’s full use by the Perry Wrestling organization, we’ve been sitting down with multiple coaches regarding Perry on the mats during the month of September. We last spoke with Chris Dardanes, head Perry high school wrestling coach. This week, we sat down with Danny Splendore, the head man for junior Jay wrestling. He described how exactly the junior wrestling program at Perry got its beginning.

“Well the junior Jays started an unbelievable amount of years ago. Super enthusiastic parents that we have a lot a lot involved with a lot of kids and just all the kids in Perry. The junior Jay board raises a lot of money. We do a golf tournament. We do 3 wrestling tournaments. That would be our main goal, starting from preschool really, and then we are involved all the way through high school pretty much. The goal is to constantly be feeding kids from K all the way to 12 and constantly feeding Chris 5 to 10 athletes, highly trained athletes by that point, to the high school level,” Splendore said.

More coverage of preseason wrestling month during September on KDLS will coming your way very shortly on and the Raccoon Valley Radio Network.