
With the recent approval by the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a new vaccine against the latest strain of the coronavirus will be available in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf reviews the suggested protocol if someone were to test positive for COVID. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that an individual who is positive for COVID should stay home for five days, starting with the first day that they experience symptoms, including isolation from other members of the household. 

“If my symptoms are improving and I don’t need any tylenol or ibuprofen for a fever or other symptoms, then after day five then I can leave the home. But I still need to be wearing a mask for the following five days after that.” 

Wolf notes that the symptoms are similar to that for seasonal allergies, but can also include headaches, light sensitivity, body exhaustion, earaches, and a limited appetite. She says tylenol and ibuprofen can help ease the symptoms of COVID. She adds that individuals can purchase at home test kits.

“Your insurance company, I would check for sure, but if I’m understanding it correctly, the insurance companies are going to reimburse you so ‘x’ number of kits a year. So really it’s best to check with your insurance company.” 

Wolf says Greene County Public Health also offers free Test Iowa kits until the end of the year. Contact them at 515-386-3228 for a test kit.