
September is National Preparedness Month and the second week of observance focuses on building a kit. 

Dallas County Emergency Management Agency Director AJ Seely says that National Preparedness Month is a campaign to emphasize the importance of being ready when a disaster strikes. Seely says that a household should first put together a plan and then build a kit. Seely explains a basic disaster supply kit should have water, food, flashlight, first aid and a radio, among other items. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that someone should have their kit to last multiple days. 

“Having a kit can help you build some of those resources so that that again, turns into a minor inconvenience versus an emergency. So a good rule of thumb is to water, have one gallon per person per day for three days. That’s a good standard to have on hand in your basement. It’s something that my family practices and you can kind of rotate bottles of water out as you need to throughout the years. But it’s a great way to be equipped for whatever types of emergencies might be happening.

For more information visit visit www.ready.gov/kit