The Stuart Public Library will be having some fun events during September.
Today at 4pm is a smash journaling event, where community youth can enter projects into their journals, and share them if they wish. Tomorrow at 10am is Books and Badges with Stuart Police Sergeant Katie Guisinger, and on Monday there will be a movie afternoon, as there won’t be school that day. Rachel Majerus with the Stuart Library says that the library wanted to hold the event to give the children something to do, and that snacks will be provided with the movie.
On September 13th at noon there will be a meeting of the Cookbook Club, with members bringing in foods inspired by books. Majerus mentions that her dish is inspired by the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in “Alice in Wonderland.” The Poetry Club will meet at 1pm on September 20th, wile the book club will meet at 5pm on the 25th, and on September 30th at 10am, the Stuart People Active for Library Service (PALS) will be bringing in author Beth Hoffman for a presentation on her book, “Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Cents of Growing Food in America.”