The Perry City Council met on Tuesday.
The Council approved not setting 2023 fall yard waste open burn dates. This approval by the Council ends the practice of open burning waste for the fall season and promotes people to use the curb side service and other methods of yard waste disposal. The Council then approved Safety and Employee Appreciation Day to be held from 10:30am until 1pm on October 11th at the Sally Port Door of the Perry Police Station, set a public hearing for disposal of public property by sale within City of Perry for 6pm on September 18th, the resolution replacing the Income Offset Program’s Memorandum of Understanding and they approved the request for proposal for Environmental Assessment Services.
In old business, the Council approved two Temporary Construction Easements for the Iowa Street Stormwater Wetland Project, pay application number 27 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility
Improvements in the amount of $728,747, pay application number three for the Runway 14/32 Relocation Phase Two in the amount of $84,022, pay application number three for the Runway 14/32 Relocation Phase Three in the amount of $11,242, an invoice for the 2023 CIPP
Sanitary Sewer Project from Accu Jet in the amount of $100,994, pay request final for the 1st Street CIPP Lining for the cost of $9,000, Pay Application #1 for the Wiese Park Improvements: Pay Application #1in the amount of $52,255 to Concrete Professionals, Weise Park Change Order #1 for a balancing change order that includes a decrease of contract quantity by 43.29 cubic yards at $115.50 per cubic yard and a resolution approving statement of completion and final acceptance for the Wiese Park Improvements: