Adel-DeSoto-Minburn’s Monte Keller has started his 21st year as the student resource officer, and he is still excited about each and every day.
Keller says that he is employed by the Adel Police Department, but assigned to be a watchful eye and mentor in the ADM School District. Keller mentions his job is to be a resource to each student and teacher. He says that he still has to handle law enforcement issues that occur, but the majority of his job is to build relationships with students and faculty along with teaching law enforcement educational classes, mentor the crossing guards and assist during the lunch breaks. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that his favorite part of the job is developing relationships with students and directing them in the right direction.
“One of the main goals of a school resource officer is to help change students’ lives in a positive way and get them headed in a good, positive direction. So law enforcement, as far as like criminally charging someone, that’s not the main goal. But sometimes that is what I have to take. But I really enjoy the times where I can merely talk with someone and explain to them, hey, if you’re if you continue on this path, it can lead to a negative future. So I really, really enjoy those moments where I’m able to help somebody in that way.”
Keller says that his office is located in the high school for anyone that has questions, needs information or help.