The Panora City Council met in regular session Monday.
The Council discussed any letters of interest submitted for the vacant mayor’s office, of which Councilman Curtis Thornberry was the only submission. The appointment of Thornberry as mayor was approved and took effect immediately, and Thornberry informed the rest of the Council that he would vacate his Council seat immediately as well. City Administrator Lisa Grossman says that citizens may file a petition for a special election if they are unsatisfied with the appointment, and that it must be submitted within 14 days of the appointment and have at least 10 signatures. She also states that this close to the general election in November, it is not feasible to hold a special election before the general election.
With the new vacancy in the Council, along with the resignation of Councilman Stan Landon effective August 29th, it was approved to accept letters of interest from city residents to fill those positions by appointment. Letters of interest must be turned in to City Hall by 4:30pm on September 8th. Grossman mentions that if there is someone appointed to these positions, they would only be appointed until the November election. She adds that all seats on the Council will be up for election this year, with the two currently vacant seats set for a two year term, and the mayor position and other Council seats up for 4 year terms. Thornberry has previously stated that he would officially run for mayor in the general election as well.
The Council then discussed a letter sent to the City by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources relating to a Solid Waste/Floodplain Complaint regarding an oil drum located at the south yard. Grossman informed the Council that staff is setting up some options for them to consider for disposal of the drum and oil.