The City of Dexter’s town celebration has two more days of activities.
Dexter Fest will continue on Saturday with the 5K run and walk at 8am, and registration will take place at the Dexter City Park. The parade will take off on Washington Street at 11am. Pork loin sandwiches will be served at the American Legion building at noon, and there will also be water fights on Polk Street. In the afternoon, a cribbage tournament will be held at 1pm in the American Legion Building, with games at the park until 3:30pm and a car show that starts at 2pm on State Street. The day will close with a bags tournament at 3pm and live music at the Roundhouse from 9pm until midnight.
Tomorrow there will be a softball tournament at the elementary school at 9am, but teams will need to pre register and there will be a breakfast at 10am at the community church.
The full schedule is linked here.