The 2023 Iowa State Fair is in full swing ,and there has been a local community recognized for their work.
The Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig selected Adel native Autumn Greenless’ artwork to be included in the 2023-24 Choose Iowa Coloring Calendar. The Choose Iowa Coloring Calendar Contest only chooses 16 pieces of artwork to be displayed in the calendar out of the 120 submissions presented.
In the creative arts competition, which was judged prior to the Iowa State Fair. Lucas Baurer from Adel won first under the building blocks category for the best Iowa State Fair Theme and vehicle structures. Kathy Lewis took first under the china and porcelain painting category for best professional floral design, fruit and vegetable design, and best professional box.
Additionally in the FFA Horse Competition, Sarah Tapken, from the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn FFA, was awarded the Reserve Champion for other light breeds.