
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

The Board approved the payroll change notice for Caleb Wulf as a part-time dispatcher/jailer for the Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office, then the Board heard department head updates from County Conservation Director Brad Halterman and County Engineer Josh Sebern. They then approved a resolution supporting the Joint Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Agreement, and the subsequent 28E agreement for the project related to it. Sebern informed the Board that he and the five other County Engineers included in the 28E agreement would be turning in the application together on Friday.

The Board also approved the Smith Acres Minor Subdivision in a 3-2 vote. Supervisors Mike Dickson and JD Kuster both voted no on the subject, as they wished to respect the opinion and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission that did not recommend approving the subdivision, even at the cost of some growth for the county. All five supervisors mentioned that they wanted to help grow the population of the county, but didn’t want to make other appointed boards feel that their recommendations would not be heard or followed. They then reappointed Steven James as the Veteran Affairs Commissioner for a term ending June 30, 2026, and Marty Arganbright as Regional Housing Representative for a term ending September 30, 2024.