The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday in regular session.
The meeting started with a public hearing to increase the size of an easement from 70 to 100 feet with Hardin Hilltop Wind to install a new substation, with payment to the City to continue to use the easement up to $5,000. Following the hearing, the Council approved the resolution. Next, the Council approved a resolution of support to designate Highway 4 from Highway 30 to Highway 141 as the Lance Corporal Benjamin Carman Memorial Highway. The resolution will be included with the application to the Iowa Department of Transportation.
The Council also approved the third reading to rezone the Water Tower Subdivision with a new Planned Unit Development, the second reading to amend an ordinance to increase the yard waste dump site fees from $1 to $3 and yard waste stickers from $1 to $2 as presented, and a resolution adopting the new and revised fee schedule for the city. Additionally, the Council approved the first reading of a new ordinance that would allow the city’s building permit fees to increase whenever the International Residential Code is updated. There was a motion to waive the second and third readings, but it died due to the lack of a second.
The Council then approved the second change order for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvement project of $62,089 as presented, as well as the sixth pay estimate of $804,790 toward the same project. Finally, the Council approved the lowest bid from Pat Callahan from Anamosa for under $1,400 to lead a strategic planning and goal setting workshop with city elected officials and city staff.