
The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday night.

The Council approved a building permit for the 200 block of Park Avenue. They heard from Midwest Partnership Executive Director Brenda Dudley on herself and what the organization currently has going, along with resources that were available to members of the community. The Council also approved an ordinance amending the fee for collection, and heard from Compliance Officer Wes Clark, Wastewater and Streets Superintendent Darin Sloss and City Clerk Kris Arrasmith.

Clark discussed creating an ordinance regarding storage/shipping containers, along with a permit process. He noted there are already two containers on residential lots in town, with another arriving in the next few months. Clark believes that the ordinance and permit process needs to be in place to show how the Council wants to handle them, as there may be residents who don’t want one next to their residence. After continued discussion, the topic was tabled until a later meeting, with Clerk Arrasmith saying she’d reach out to other towns on their policies regarding the containers for more information.

In Sloss’s report, he reviewed two quotes for updating the electrical system in Mitchell Park, recommending the bid from Adams County Electrical for approximately $18,185, and the Council approved. He then discussed the removal of two large trees, one near the intersection of North 7th Street and Main Street, and the other in the alley behind 702 Grand Street. The quote approved by the Council is roughly $2,300, and came from Kautzky Tree Care. The final discussion topic was a bid from Pleva Mechanical for repairs to fix a leak under the decking of the Aquatic Center, which was approved at approximately $18,474. Repairs won’t start until after the pool is closed for the season.

The only thing from Clerk Arrasmith’s short City Hall report was a raise for an employee who had finished their six month probationary period, and was eligible for a raise, which was approved.