
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday. 

The Board started the meeting by getting an update from Turner Construction about the demolition for the administration building project. There are three buildings that will be torn down to build the new administration building. The demolition has already begun on the old jail and collegian buildings, with the bail bonds building to be next. 

The Board then approved the City of Dexter Law Enforcement Services 28E Agreement with an increase of three-percent this year for a total cost of $29,166, they also approved the Dallas County Courthouse Exterior change orders for the price of $125,078 and they approved the agreement with Gail D Felker for the right of way purchase of a 550 foot stretch of road near R22 and Ute Avenue for the price of $7,560. County Engineer Al Miller said this was to make safety improvements to curve in the road. The Board set a public hearing for the Raccoon River Valley Trail waterline easement for August 8th, and appointed Natalie Gillet to the Veterans Affairs Commission. They decided to continue the public hearing on vacating a portion of 150th Street for the City of Perry’s Airport Runway Extension Project. The Board will readdress this item once the easement is purchased by the city.