With temperatures in the upper 90s and the possibility of triple digits happening in the next few days, it’s a good time for more reminders about protecting our pets.
Veterinarian Dr. Amy Klauer with Fairview Veterinary Clinic in Jefferson says when outdoor temperatures get dangerously hot, concrete becomes an issue for pets. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio the problems that can occur to an animal’s paws with them walking on hot concrete or asphalt.
“It can definitely cause burns, it can cause abscesses, or it can even slough those paw pads off if it’s severe enough. So it’s definitely something to pay attention to and try to avoid.”
Dr. Klauer recommends not walking your pet when it’s this hot out, but if you have to, she advises having your pet walk on the grass or dirt beside you and not on the concrete. The National Weather Service is anticipating the regular temperature for Wednesday through Friday to be not less than 95 degrees.